RadioScope NZ Airplay Chart | March 7 2025

Points are based on the number of plays weighted by the audience size of each radio station.
1Coasty GirlShane WalkerTeamMusic106515
2We BelongTe Matatini feat. Corrella And L.A.BLOOP85616
3Carry My HeartMyshaanMyshaan/Precise7278
4How Will I KnowCorrellaLOOP70115
5UnawareTe WehiHerepuru/Precise39410
6When The Party EndsMax AllaisMaxAllais/TooLost3726
7Seconds To Midnight (11:59)Cassie HendersonCassieHenderson37010
8TātarakihiTAWAZ And Mohi AllenTAWAZ/Precise30812
9Miles AwayVillainyVillainy/GYROstream3015
10Crazy DreamL.A.BLOOP29514
11Cowboy UpKaylee BellKayleeBell/Rhythm/TheOrchard2947
12Back In My ArmsHori ShawHoriShaw/Precise2797
13One More ChanceCoterie feat. SavageMassive/SonyMusic2136
14Crazy To LoveLee Mvtthews And Ruth RoyallLiquicity/TripleVision2101
15Aua Ke Fia KamaLouisa Woo ChingTeineHamo/Precise2041
16Tears Roll DownSola Rosa feat. AKOSIAWayUp/TheOrchard2045
18Why Does Love Do This To Me?The ExponentsUniversal19816
19Summer Won't Be The SameMirageStarplay/Precise19713
20lemonadeCassie HendersonCassieHenderson1936
21Take My HandNELZ feat. JKingNELZ/Precise1932
23April Sun In CubaDragonSonyMusic18716
24Just So LameAubrie MitchellAubrieMitchell/TooLost1873
26VibePOETIK feat. BIGGs 685, Raggadat Cris And Lee MonroForTheVille/Rhythm/DRM1841
27Burn Me AliveBlindspottBlindspottInternational/TheOrchard1762
28Take It AwayL.A.BLOOP17516
29Nothing Makes SenseThe RainfallRFBC1693
30Don't Give It UpSix60Massive/Universal16815
31Need You NowWill Swinton10kProjects/Universal1623
32So ColdBalu BrigadaWEA/Warner1583
33Love You For LifeThree Houses Down And Canaan EneThreeHousesDown/Precise1554
35Stay Fejoint feat. Lomez Brown And Switch.EFejointProductions/Precise1481
36Gutter BlackHello SailorZodiac/Stebbing/DRM14715
37TemptationJohnny Calvert feat. Ella MonneryJohnnyCalvert/DRM1441
38Only To BeSix60Massive/Universal14313
39Take It EasyStan WalkerSonyMusic12515
40Tennis CourtLordeUniversal12512